Too Many Ideas - Is That Even a Thing?
I'm finally able to work on quilting projects (a little at a time) again after my shoulder replacement surgery. I made the odd choice to work on a quilt that I started about a year ago and haven't worked on because frankly, it bored me.

First of all the colors are not the normal colors I am drawn to, artistically. I like the colors, don't get me wrong - they just aren't my usual palette. I guess I was trying to stretch myself when I bought them. It took me rather a long time (a year) to even think about opening them up. I decided to make something simple (HA - you'll see in a moment how that worked out) so I designed a little paper- pieced square (IDEA #1) that I figured I could configure in several different ways. Only after making about 12 of them, I was underwhelmed, to say the least. So I put them away for a while (meaning a year). Then recently a former student of mine had a baby boy, and I thought I would use the squares for a baby quilt for him.
But I was still so BORED with it - I just couldn't get excited, until I had IDEA #2: to use old blue jeans to "jazz it up." But how to add this element? Well, we all know how my mind goes to circles, so naturally, I decided to make the squares into spinning wheels and use the blue jeans to frame them.

This was a good thing - I was finally excited about it now - kind of. After making a few and putting them up on the wall, however, I decided I wanted to use different sized wheels to add interest ( Idea #3) So using my trusty clammy rulers by Latifah Saafir in 12, 10 and 8-inch sized, I felt I had now added more interest to the piece. I would add borders in more denim around the 2 smaller sizes to make them equal the 12 inch blocks and they would look like they were floating. I liked it.

Now for some reason, as I trimmed the blocks to their different sizes, I saved all the trimmings. I thought maybe I could use them in a secondary piece. there were three sizes of trimmings left from the circles, and as I cut the denim squares to frame the circles, I noticed I could sew some of them together to make another fun block (IDEA #4) which I figured I may or may not use in the quilts, but when I saw it sewn, I knew I wanted to add it to the quilt. Getting better...but still not there yet.

As I sewed the blocks together, I felt it was still somehow lacking a WOW factor. So I put the squares on point (IDEA #5) instead of straight across. And suddenly I was completely in love - this was the idea that made it just right to me. I was now, finally, very excited about this quilt.

I started thinking about what I was going to do the the corner and "filler" triangles. Since there is already so much denim in the piece, it's going to be heavy, so I decided that instead of using more denim to frame it, I would use a neutral khaki. (IDEA #6 In the middle of the neutral khaki, I would sew some of the trimmings from the 12 inch blocks together (see below), and make little squares or circles to pull it all together. (IDEA #7) I still haven't made up my mind if I'm going with squares or circles - I'm leaning towards circles, of course, but we shall see.

I also noticed that as I trimmed the denim squares to make the frames for the circles, there was a leftover piece that was an elipse shape - kind of like (IDEA #8) an orange peel. And that some of the pieces I ad cut off of the circles to make them smaller were I trimmed the denim elipses with the curved trimmings and VIOLA - another block was created from the scraps! Now this one I won't actually be adding it to the quilt, however, but I will definitely be making a pillow from the blocks for sure. It will have to wait until I finish the quilt top, but still - I have been so excited as the ideas have developed on this quilt! Plus - I'm using up so many of the scraps and that makes me feel good as well. Also - I am loving the quilt, which is the main thing.

In general, I'm not much of an improv quilter - I usually have a pretty strong vision of where I'm going with my designs, and whenever I have tried to just sew with no idea where it's going I usually get sleepy and quit, but I would definitely call this an improvised quilt. In my mind, I started in the desert and went through the beach and the forest and ended up on the mountain top! Here's an in-progress photo - I still have more squares to make and I need to trim around the different wheels to make them the same size still, but so far - well, am I allowed to say I think its really really cool? I'll share again when it's all sewn together. But to me - if it weren't for all the evolving ideas, this piece would have been a snoozer to make and a boring, unexciting finish that I did not love. Now I really love it, and can't wait to work on it and to see the finished product! And all because of a bunch of ideas.

So what do YOU think - too many ideas? Or just the right amount?
It makes my head spin how you started with one idea and it morphed into something beautiful.
Absolutely fascinating how your creative juices started flowing from on idea. My improvs sit forever and I just end up stitching together and saying Oh well another idea that did not work. But much of my work is charity camp quilts and the kids still like them.
Enjoyed your journey
I love this post SO much, and how with each new idea, the piece got better and your excitement grew. LOVE when that happens. I look forward to the next update!