On the Design Wall
I'm turning over a new leaf, trying to blog at least once per month. This is a challenge, because although I always have a great deal to say, I simply never take the time to sit down and write. So I have really gotten off the blog bandwagon. But I want to keep in touch, so I'm setting a reminder to publish a blog every month. Who knows? Maybe I'll eventually get up to twice a month? Don't wanna over-do it though.. But for now, starting small with the goal of once. Y'all keep me honest, would ya?
Today I'm sharing current projects. Up first is my third version of my Square Skies quilt.

I had added a bunch of layers to it as an experiment but I hated them all, so I took them off and went back to my original design and am now quilting it. (I do love how the quilting adds texture without taking away any of the movement of the fabric.) Jennifer Sampou (@jennifersampou) came out with more fabrics in her Sky line called Earth Reflections after I started it, and now I'm really wanting to make a fourth version of the quilt using a combination of the some of the old and new ones! I really love this design and I can't stop making new versions! I just see so many beautiful possibilities. For now I just need to finish this version. I'm in the quilting process, so it should happen soon but...
It got interrupted and its place in the quilting line was usurped because I decide to participate in the Pantone Color of the Year challenge, sponsored by Elizabeth Ray (@elizabethkray)and Sarah Ruiz (@saroy). After I bought the fabric, I was a little stumped for ideas. I decided not to put any pressure on myself and "viola" and idea came almost immediately after that and I must say that I love it! It's bold, anyway... lots of negative space...It was fun to make, and I'm really enjoying the quilting process as well. Here's how I'm quilting it, using neon threads.

(Side bar here - I've really gotten obsessed with neons in the last couple of years. Maybe it's my college years in the 80's but I love them! There aren't too many neon fabrics available though - I had to order mine at Spoonflower. Libs Elliott (@libselliott)also has a beautiful line. I have lots of ideas for them...sigh - but as you know each quilt takes rather a long time so I'll get to them when I can)
A third project is this fire wheel quilt

I'm making for my niece that is graduating from high school this year. The pattern is the Wild Homestead Star by @plainsandpine. She said she likes pink, red, yellow and orange so I went for it. Like the way its turning out, but here's something weird going on in the making of this quilt - I'm trying to use up scraps but somehow it seems after all this, I'm ending up with the same amount of scraps that I started with...how does that happen?!
Also starting to write a pattern for this quilt. I call it "Through the Fence" because it was inspired by a concrete fence I always see when I get gas at the local HEB grocery store. (The photo isn't great because the thing is so BIG! I need to get a good one...but later.
I'm also making another version of it with Texas wildflower

fabric designed by my local quilt shop owner, Beverly Allen (onequiltplace.com). The first one has 18 inch squares, and I'm making the second one using 12 inch squares. I don't usually like making repeat patterns over and over, but this one has some Y seams that keep it interesting. And I really like the result; have it on my bed.
So that's what's on the design wall (and the floor and the bannisters and the guest bed...) right now. I don't really like having so many projects going at once, but sometimes it just...happens.
I'm also trying to restrain myself from starting yet another one at the moment too. Got some excellent fabric (I'll share it next time) and really want to get going with it. Somebody stop me, please!
What's on YOUR design wall (beds, floors, etc.) right now?
Next blog is on WIP's. Most of mine are quilts waiting to be quilted. I don't hate quilting at all but...