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My first Color Play Friday (Crocus) ever (and the winner of the orange bundle, too!)

I'm feeling rather proud right now as I figured out (sort of) how to participate in Color Play Friday, hosted by Lorinda of Laurel, Poppy and Pine and Trina of In An Otter Life. For me this is an accomplishment, because i readily admit that I am technologically challenged, and I have little (okay, none) patience with it. Because I can't explain to it wit I want it to do - I have to speak it's language. And I just don't speak techno-talk, apparently. But this time, I did it! Whoopee! So without further ado, here is my take on this week's photo:

The Fabrics:

It was really difficult to find the correct purple. I finally thought of the magnificent Marcia Derse and "viola" she had several perfect pieces.

The first three are all Marcia Derse fabrics:

The second two are from the ever amazing Allison Glass Collection:

I'm not entirely sure the last one is necessary as the Marcia Derse has both greens in it, but one might need it for a bit of contrast. I think the abacus might be fun also, just because there is a tiny bit of goldfish color in the corner..but a plain white like kona snow might be better.

Be sure to check out the other participants this week:

Sarah of 1.2.3 Quilt

“If you'd like to participate in Color Play Friday, you can visit In An Otter Life or Laurel, Poppy and Pine for the rules, their contact information, and next week's photo."

For my two cents worth, I'm finding Color Play Friday pretty darn fun! I don't know how often I will get to participate, but I like the challenge of finding just the right fabrics. Plus I learn about other fabrics and lines of fabric AND I learn more technology skills, so again, it's a win win win!

And speaking of WINNING - the winner of last week's giveaway is Lisa J. of Sunlight in Winter! So Lisa, I think you already have my email, but if not, just use the contact page and send me your address and the bundle will be ON IT"S WAY!

Thanks to everyone who participated - it actually makes me feel sad that there is only one winner, because I appreciate you all stopping by. Guess I'm gonna have to have more of these in the future.


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